Aluminum is a group IIIA element of the third periodic table of the periodic table, with an atomic number of 13, an atomic weight of 26.98154, an outer electron configuration of 3s 2 3p 1 , an atomic radius of 0.143 nm and an ionic radius of 0.086 nm. Aluminum metal is silver.
Regardless of whether it is solid aluminum or molten aluminum, its density decreases as the purity increases; the density of molten aluminum of the same purity decreases as the temperature increases.
The melting point of aluminum varies with its purity, and the purer the melting point, the higher.
Thermal conductivity of aluminum is approximately 2.5 times the cooked iron, 1.5 times that of copper. The specific heat of aluminum is also larger in metals, twice that of iron and 2.5 times that of copper and zinc .
The electrical conductivity of aluminum is second only to gold, platinum , chromium , copper and mercury . The higher the purity of aluminum, the better its electrical conductivity. The conductivity of aluminum is between 62% and 65% of copper conductivity (related to purity), while the density of copper is 3.3 times that of aluminum.
The mechanical properties of aluminum are closely related to purity. Pure aluminum is soft and low in strength. However, when it is composed of aluminum alloy, it not only maintains the inherent characteristics of aluminum to some extent, but also significantly increases its hardness and The strength makes it almost comparable to mild steel and even structural steel.
Aluminum is extremely chemically active, and its oxides, halides, sulfides, and carbides are very large. The most special property of aluminum is the tendency to strongly bond with oxygen, especially with oxygen in the air. Aluminum is covered in the air by a dense aluminum oxide film having a thickness of about 2 × 10 -4 mm. This film prevents the continued oxidation of aluminum, which determines the aluminum at normal temperature and the usual atmosphere. Has good corrosion resistance. When aluminum is heated in air to near its melting point (660 ° C), oxidation continues, at which temperature the oxidation of aluminum is proportional to the square root of the oxidation time.
The strength of aluminum oxidation depends on the temperature, the degree of comminution, and other metallic impurities present therein. When the temperature is higher than the melting point of aluminum, the oxidation rate is the highest, and the finely pulverized aluminum powder is violently burned when heated in air. When magnesium , calcium, sodium, silicon and copper are present in the aluminum, the oxidation strength increases, and in the presence of impurities, the bonding strength of the oxide film to aluminum is greatly reduced.
Industrial aluminum is easily soluble in hydrochloric acid, and as the purity increases, the solubility of aluminum in hydrochloric acid drops sharply. Sulfuric acid has a very slow effect on aluminum, and neither cold concentrated nitric acid nor dilute nitric acid can dissolve aluminum, but it can be dissolved by heating the acid. Aluminum is stable to organic acids such as acetic acid.
Gases such as hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon monoxide can be dissolved in the aluminum liquid, and some of the gases are dissolved to form a compound with aluminum. The solubility of the gas in the aluminum solution increases with increasing temperature. The main properties of aluminum are shown in the table. Pure aluminum has many valuable properties, especially aluminum-based alloys, which have more superior properties, so aluminum and its alloys are widely used. [next]

  Basic physical properties of aluminum

Physical properties

Numerical value

Elastic modulus 99.3% aluminum / MPa


When the heat capacity is 0 °C / [J / ( g · °C) ]




Density / ( g / cm 3 )

20 °C, 99.97% aluminum (solid state)


1000 °C, 99.97% aluminum (liquid)


Melting point / °C

99.6% aluminum


99.996% aluminum


Boiling point / °C


Electrochemical equivalent / [g / (A · h ) ]


Thermal conductivity 99.7% aluminum, 0~100 °C / [J/ ( c m·s·°C) ]


Volume shrinkage (when liquid turns to solid) /%


Average linear expansion coefficient (at 20~100 °C) / ( 10 -6 / °C)

twenty four

Conductivity (at 20 °C) / (Ω -1 ·cm -1 )

( 36~37 )× 10 -4

The machinery industry manufactures wheels, pulleys, centrifuges, fans, cranes and pump parts, pistons and engine cylinders in aluminum and aluminum alloys. This is because aluminum and its alloys are not only light-weight, but also achieve the required strength, which can reduce the energy consumption during operation or greatly improve the running speed under the same energy, and also prolong the service life of the machine. . The quality and size of the entire machine and machine is reduced to make it suitable for production, transportation, installation and operation. Aluminum and aluminum alloys have become indispensable materials for the manufacture of aircraft, automobiles, ships, tractors, motor vehicles and the like. In the defense industry, aluminum and aluminum alloys are used to make structural parts and components such as rockets, satellites, spacecraft, military aircraft, missiles, ships, tanks, armored vehicles, radars, searchlights, flares, and various military weapons. [next]
The electrical and radio industries make extensive use of aluminum for the manufacture of wires, cables, capacitors, rectifiers, electrical accessories and radio equipment, depending on the conductivity of aluminum. In addition, the aluminum wire is relatively easy to cool, can support relatively larger currents, and is more economical.
The chemical industry is based on the good corrosion resistance of aluminum. It is commonly used in aluminum and its alloys to make various corrosion-resistant equipment and storage containers.
It is also used in the industry by using relatively pure aluminum coated with aluminum on other metal surfaces to protect the metal from corrosion.
The thermal neutron capture surface of aluminum is small, second only to bismuth and zirconium , but aluminum is easy to process, so the atomic energy industry often uses it as a coating material for nuclear reactor fuel.
Aluminum has good thermal conductivity and is a good material for making refrigeration equipment, radiators and heat exchangers.
Aluminum has a strong reflective power and can be used to make high quality mirrors.
Aluminum is non-magnetic and is not affected by magnetic forces, so the compass on the ship is often housed in an aluminum or aluminum alloy casing.
Buildings have recently made extensive use of aluminum and aluminum alloys to make beams, columns, trusses, frames, doors and windows, roofing, walls, etc., in lieu of wood and other materials.
The use of aluminum powder is also very wide. At present, aluminum powder is generally obtained by grinding or liquid aluminum atomization method, and the aluminum powder produced has a thickness. Crude aluminum powder can be used for deoxidation of steel in order to improve the quality of the steel. Aluminum powder is also the main raw material for the reduction of some metals by aluminothermic reduction. For example, it can be used to reduce metals such as chromium, manganese , tungsten, strontium, calcium and barium, or to weld metal parts. The aluminum flux can be burned at the burning point. Up to 2000 ° C high temperature. Fine aluminum powder is mainly used for pigments, fireworks, foaming agents, and the like.
Aluminum and aluminum alloys are also used in everyday life and decoration, such as in the production of cookware, food storage and packaging, musical instruments, camera parts and other arts and crafts.
Aluminum has sound absorbing properties, and broadcast rooms and modern large buildings are currently used for indoor ceilings.
Aluminum does not generate sparks in the case of impact and can be used to prevent sparks.
Aluminum still maintains good strength and mechanical properties in low-temperature environments, and sometimes even improves, so it is also a rare material in the direction of low temperature engineering and cold resistance.
In general industrial countries, the use of aluminum is as follows: 25%-35% in the construction industry, 10%-20% in the transportation industry, 10%-20% in the power industry, 15% in the food industry, 10% in the daily necessities industry, machinery industry 10%, the other 5%.
At present, in the industrial production of aluminum, the production method is molten salt electrolysis, the raw material is alumina, and the alumina is extracted from various aluminum-containing ores.

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