Food security is a long-term and arduous task that requires the joint efforts of the entire society. At present, the food inspection business is prosperous and flourishing. However, the number of institutions is very large and the cost is very high. Industry insiders believe that food safety testing agencies need to be integrated to promote their market-based competition and ensure fairness and fairness in order to demonstrate security.

The role of food safety testing agencies in the supervision of food safety runs through the entire process of food processing production. Quality inspection agencies are mainly responsible for food quality inspection and product quality supervision and inspection. Focusing on the food safety issues people are concerned about, combining local conditions, we will actively organize special supervision and spot checks on key products within the key areas that are reflected by the masses, release food safety information in a timely manner, and regularly announce the results of supervision and random inspections. To help companies find out the reasons, find the crux of the quality of the unqualified, timely rectification.

The existing food safety inspection agencies are numerous, the affiliation relationship is complex, the testing cost is expensive, and the testing capabilities of the testing organizations are uneven. Take Beijing as an example. At present, Beijing has more than 30 municipal and district/county food and agricultural products supervision and inspection agencies covering the routine inspection items of 28 types of food and edible agricultural products. Experts believe that under the current system, it is impossible to create a competitive situation in which the survival of the fittest and the fittest are eliminated, which is not conducive to the further improvement of the food safety and security system.

It is understood that the current food safety supervision system only pays attention to the construction of testing institutions of their respective affiliated departments. There is no unified planning, resulting in redundant construction and a huge waste of financial and human resources. It also causes a certain degree of financial burden and waste of public resources. For today's inspection business, the number of testing organizations is high, and in order to maintain normal operations, testing organizations have to charge more expensive testing fees.

Some experts suggested that the role of social testing agencies should be fully utilized, and existing resources should be integrated and optimized to improve detection capabilities and levels, and to strengthen food safety protection systems. Minimize the redundant construction and waste of resources in the testing organization.

First, the city's food safety regulatory agencies will make unified plans for the construction of food safety inspection and testing institutions, integrate and optimize the hardware and human resources of the existing testing institutions, and strive to break the boundaries between departments, industries, and regions. Second, it is also very important to use the role of third-party testing agencies led by social forces to promote the market-based competition of testing organizations.

At present, the third-party independent legal person testing institutions that have been transformed from public institutions have accounted for about 50% of the market share in the national testing market. The test conclusion is relatively objective and fair, and it has been widely recognized by the society. Experts suggest that this type of agency, especially market-tested inspection agencies with strong inspection capabilities and industry influence, be included in the construction of a food safety guarantee system to form a reasonably secure food safety protection network.

The city's food safety supervision departments will prioritize food safety testing into government procurement management, and increase support and investment in third-party testing organizations. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the supervision and management of third-party testing agencies. On the one hand, improve the budget control system, standardize procurement procedures, and establish public procurement standards; on the other hand, an effective exit mechanism will be established to revoke its relevant qualifications and ban certain deadlines for testing organizations with poor reputation, fraud, and disruption of competitive order. It is engaged in the inspection industry.

In short, inspection and inspection agencies occupy a very important position in food safety supervision. The food production of an enterprise requires inspection agencies to check its food quality. On the one hand, the testing agency's behavior can ensure the stability of the company's food quality and promote the company's continuous adjustment of food production processes. On the other hand, it can satisfy consumers' right to know the quality of food purchased. To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

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