Xincheng Gold Mine is a relatively complete gold selection plant designed and constructed after summarizing the practical experience of mineral processing in Zhaoyuan and Jinchangyu gold mines. The production process and equipment are representative. In the design, the tubular filter of non-ferrous metal hydrometallurgical enterprise was transplanted, which was applied to the purification of noble liquid and achieved good results. The diatomite was successfully used as a filter aid for the first time in the gold cyanide plant.
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(1) Ore properties: The mine is a medium-temperature hydrothermal alteration granite type gold deposit. Of ore bodies are sericite, chlorite, silicification, pyrite mineral and carbonated ALTERATIONS. The main ore minerals include pyrite, a small amount of yellow copper ore, galena, sphalerite silver and gold, gangue minerals quartz, sericite, chlorite, calcite and followed. Its ore properties are similar to those of the most numerous quartz vein type gold deposits in China, and all of them are gold-bearing ore-depleted sulfides. It has low sulfur content, less harmful impurities, and the fine grain size of gold is fine. Generally, the cracks and crystal gaps of the metal sulfides mainly composed of pyrite are present, and the gold is less encapsulated, and the crystal gap of pyrite is imparted. The gold in the cracks accounts for more than 60%.
Natural gold has a fine particle size, generally 0.002 to 0.02 mm. The ore density is 2.78 t/m 3 .
(2) Process: The gold-containing sulfur concentrate is obtained by flotation, and the gold recovery rate is about 95%. The concentrate is reground, undergoing cyanide leaching, zinc powder replacement, and producing gold mud and by-product sulfur concentrate (ie, leaching residue). The gold mud is smelted by the fire method to obtain the combined gold, and then electrolyzed into the final product gold ingot and silver ingot. The process flow is shown in the figure below.
The main process indicators, unit consumption indicators, and main equipment are shown in the table below.
Metro Gold Mine in 1977 was designed by Beijing Nonferrous Metallurgy Design and Research Institute, put into operation in early 1979, the design capacity of 500t / d.